Writing challenge, Day 7

Reconciled by D.Titus

I missed you, you know…
I really did.
Being here,
with you.
I’m feeling it again

Silent elation,
like only you bring.
A naughty grin
Needing to be alone
Just us…
flirting, flowing, merging

Where have I been?
Well, you know…
Nowhere in particular
But I have been
With life

I’m here now
I hope that’s ok?
All this time
I thought of you,
longed for you.
Really I did

Can we try again?

https://syskryf.home.blog/ D.Titus 11/6/19

Writing challenge, Day 6

Grace upon me. From me.

I’ve had a few days where I couldn’t write here. Life happened. You know how it is. On all those days, I’ve been thinking and longing to get to it. Right up until the point where I got into bed at night, exhausted.

On one of the evenings I even made an attempt to write in bed. I think it would’ve been a crappy poem or whatever it would’ve turned out to be. Just so I could post something.
You see, somewhere in this beautiful brain, an old neural pathway was trying to ignite. Wanting to set in motion thoughts, feelings and actions that does not serve this human any more. In fact, it never did – I just didn’t know it.

Wired into this specific pathway were words and thoughts like: Something is either right or wrong; Finish one thing before you continue to a next; Whatever you do, do it properly; It’s good but you could do better. (Wow, just writing those words brought up a bitter-ish reaction. Is that even a word? Bitter-ish. Lol)

Anyway, I thank God for bringing me into a season where I can LOOK such pathways/mindsets in the eye and weight it. Weight it against His truth about me. My truth. And most importantly, not be tossed into a inner battle. Where my soul is in turmoiled protest against said pathway. Sensing and knowing that there’s another way to think, feel and do when I didn’t get, to what I set out to do.
Yet falling back, over and over again, to the default of the pathway and the turmoil it caused.

A year or so ago, that would have resulted in me closing down this blog. Or perhaps deleting days 1 to 5 of the Writing challenge. Out of shame for not keeping up. Also, judging myself for not posting every day or feeling like a stupid failure. Questioning myself, my reasons for doing this, my skills, blah-blah-blah..

You get the picture.

But, here I am. Writing. Creating with words. Because that’s what I want to do. It makes me happy. In my own rhythm. To my own tune. Because it is part of my truth. Skipping two or three days means just that. A couple of days were skipped. In no way does it mean anything, that the old mindset had me believing.

I know it’s a process: working through such things that’s been set before us as truth. And perhaps it is truth. A truth. Someone else’s truth. But not necessarily in alignment with once own truth.

In this scenario no person or situation were dependent on me writing or not.
There’s no deadline.

Just life – to be LIVED. In abundant grace.

Writing challenge, Day 5

My point of view

Sunday morning, 8h40. Too late. Welcome rain has been blessing our thirsty Cape Town earth and dams for most of the night.

I love this relaxed state my mind and body is in. When my whole being feels in unison. My spirit thankfully greeting my Father; My soul setting the day’s rhythm; My body working out the steps that will flow to the tune that my all wants to sing.

No forced marching, to tunes that’s been set for me. Aweful lyrics of must, should, responsibility… making me nauseous.
No set alarm. No racing thoughts chasing each other on the track of my mind. ‘I have to be there.’ ‘Surely, this can’t be it?’/ ‘If I don’t get up now, I’m going to be late.’ ‘This is not my truth.’

So, why can’t I wake up and get up like this everyday? Because 43 year old neural pathways are under investigation. Should it be found out of tune with this being’s true rhythm, it will be replaced. Lovingly. Surely. Slowly. Greatfully.

PS. What am I too late for? Gathering with others that share my belief that Jesus is Lord. But, many times I question the gatherings, the setter of the tune, the value of the march… #mypointofview, #mytruth


Writing challenge Day 3

Prisoners by D.Titus

You’ve been imprisoned
No judgement no trial
Upon drawing first breath
To pay penance till death

Silent unauthorized governor
Setting boundaries
Setting straight
From king to flatmate

Constantly longing for more
Yet cursing the flow
That stands in the way
Of long awaited day

Have you ever questioned
this warden unseen?
Longing for freedom
To mankind unbeknown

Tick tock, tick tock

https://syskryf.home.blog/ D.Titus 12/4/19

Writing challenge…. Day 1

I’m so excited. And I just can’t hide it. I’m about to loose control… Sing with me!!

Okay, so here in my own little world I decided to challenge myself to a writing challenge. (sounds very desperate, I know. Don’t care). Because I want to write and I love it. I’ll be using pictures / illustrations as writing prompts. I bumped into Haiku and thought I’d like to give it a try. Stretch my brain a bit.

For those, like me, who didn’t know what Haiku is:

Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry in which an idea is expressed in just 17 syllables. The format of these syllables is: line one is five syllables, line two is seven syllables, and line three is five syllables. Traditional Japanese haiku usually describes ideas that have to do with nature or the different seasons. As haiku has spread across the nations, the content of this poetry has broadened, but the format remains the same: 5-7-5.

Please see the pic. This is my first ever attempt at Haiku. Ladies and gents I give you…… (okay let me admit – I didn’t think of a proper name yet. OMW):

THE CALL by D.Titus

The call came sudden
A tyre burst, things looked bad
The wedding’s at noon

(Edited. In my excitement, I forgot how to count. My 1st attempt had 7 syllables instead of 5 in the third line. 🤫)


The year was 2019…

(Did you read the heading in a theatrical voice? Or is it just me that do such things – Lol!)


She realized that it was time to just do it. After all, deep down, she wanted it too. Badly. Years of secretly wanting, fantasizing and sneaky attempts, just didn’t cut it anymore. She wanted….. No, needed to grab this bull by the horns and ride the life out of it… (insert angel face emoji). No more pushing it aside; ignoring it; putting the lid on it. Only for it crawl out time and time again to tease her; briefly excite her. Well, this time she decided to stop fighting. Look it in the eye and finally admit that they were perhaps meant to be. She was willing to give them a fair chance.

First, she had to repent that they indeed rendezvoused previously. Bring their union to the light you see.

Starting 10 April – 12h26pm she vowed to use any tool and invest her time to help flame this passion. Hence, the random pictures/images she’s committing to use for thirty days. Hoping that she’ll prove to it that she meant business.